FSD 18-24: General Education Designation Procedures and Application Form

March 30, 2019


General Education Designation Procedures and Application Form

Submission Date: 3/30/19                                                                         Faculty Senate Document 18-24


For Discussion, 05/03/2019

For Action: 05/3/2019

Approved: 05/03/2019

Faculty Senate Document 18-18 creates a structure for the General Education assessment process for Purdue University Northwest.  This document provides the procedures for submitting a course for General Education approval.  The General Education and Assessment Steering (GEA) Committee therefore proposes adoption of the following procedures and attached form for designation of courses in General Education (GE).

The GE Course Designation/Removal Application Form

The attached form will be used to apply for proposed additions to the approved GE/EL course lists, or deletions of courses from the lists.  New courses that are submitted for GE designation should be submitted through the curriculum committee following the established process and in addition the GE course Designation/Removal Application Form should be submitted to the GEA Committee at the same time.  The due date to submit a completed form to the GEA Committee is December 1, 2019, and will be November 1 in subsequent years. The GEA Committee will review forms, make inquiries if needed, and inform the contact faculty of its recommendation, as well as the Curriculum Committee. This will allow the GEA committee to bring forward a Faculty Senate document in February ratifying its recommendations for modifying the lists for the subsequent academic year, leaving enough time for the PNW catalog to be appropriately updated.

Originating faculty will receive formal responses from the GEA Committee, with written explanations for negative decisions, no later than 10 business days after the second Faculty Senate meeting following submission of the form. Responses will also be sent simultaneously to the chair of the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee.

While the GEA Committee will work informally with faculty to address any concerns, there are three possible formal responses:

  • Course is recommended for addition to General Education Core-30 list pending approval by the Faculty Senate
  • Course is not ready to be approved, but resubmission with revisions is recommended
  • Course is not appropriate for General Education Core-30 list and will not be recommended for Faculty Senate approval

General Education and Assessment Steering Committee

Approved:  C. Fewer, D. Gray, W. He, D. Kozel, L. Pelter,  X. Wang

Absent:   J. Tazbir


PNW General Education (GE) Course Designation/Removal Application Form

The General Education designation should be checked on the curriculum document for the course and this form should be completed and forwarded to the chair of the GEA committee.

Note: All proposed additions or deletions to GE approved lists are due to the General Education and Assessment Steering (GEA) Committee of the Faculty Senate by December 15 of the year prior to the fall in which the additions or deletions are to take effect.

Below you will find a list of questions and instructions for filling out the form on the next page.  The spaces of the form will expand to accommodate your writing.  Indicate the following:

Using an X indicate if you would like to add or delete a course.

If you are deleting a course, you only need to complete a through c below.

  1. The course designee, course number, and name of the course being assessed.
  2. Name and contact information (if the General Education and Assessment Committee needs to contact someone regarding assessment of the course).
  3. The General Education Category the course fulfills. Click “Choose an item” then click on the triangle to select a category from the list. If the course satisfies two General Education Categories, fill out one form for each category.
  4. At least three of the outcomes that will be assessed for this course (these outcomes should match the learning outcomes identified in senate document 18-18).
  5. Description of the activities used to assess the outcomes listed in (d). Be specific.
  6. Indicate the level considered successful student attainment of the specified outcomes and the measure used.
  7. Explain why this course especially appropriate as an offering for the general education of PNW students (as opposed to courses that are offered primarily for majors in a given program).


General Education Designation/Removal Application Form

Add Course: _____       Remove Course: _____

a)     Course designee, number, and name


b)     Contact(s)


c)     General Education Category Choose an item.
d)     Three Learning Outcomes
e)     Assessment procedures  
f)      Required level of achievement  







g)     Explain why this course especially appropriate as an offering for the general education of PNW students  










Appendix A STGEC Guidance 11.1.2018