Westville Forums Report, May 2019

May 15, 2019

Feedback Regarding Westville Forums

FROM: Jonathan Swarts, Sandra Steele, Chris Holford, Liz Depew, Mike Lynn, Joe Ward, Mary Jane Eisenhauer, Steve Turner


The individuals listed above prepared for and participated in a series of open forums held on the Westville campus.  The materials we shared during the sessions and the comments we heard have been posted to a university shared drive.  A survey has also been issued and the results will be forwarded when available.  We thought it might be helpful to offer the following observations and recommend action items for your consideration.


Academic Programs

  • Observation – Nursing, Business, Technology  oHeard disproportionately from students and faculty in these colleges

 Issues Related to Class Schedules

  • Observation – Many students complained about class cancellations generally and particularly when little or no advance notice was given
  • Observation – Many students complained of having to travel to the Hammond campus to complete degree requirements
  • Recommendation – Commit to at least a two and preferably a four-year schedule of classes for academic programs
  • Recommendation – Commit to an appropriate number of degree programs that can be completed entirely on the Westville campus

Student Life

  • Observation – Many complaints were heard regarding the perceived lack of student life activities held on campus and the low utilization of the DSAC
  • Recommendation – Identify events of interest to students and determine the best times to offer them
  • Recommendation – Conduct an annual Student Satisfaction Survey


Traveling between Campuses and Bus Service

  • Observation – Students expressed strong concerns about having to travel on the Borman Expressway. Many indicated it was not possible due to time constraints, many expressed safety concerns – for some it was both
  • Recommendation – We need to accept that travel between campuses will be a strong deterrent for some students and plan accordingly
  • Recommendation – Examine the schedule for our intra-campus bus service to determine if it can be more closely aligned with class times


Quality and Effectiveness of Communications

  • Observation – Many concerns seemed to arise out of incomplete or ineffective communications, both internally and externally.It is apparent most emails sent to students are not read
  • Recommendation – Identify and pursue effective alternative forms of communication


Community Outreach

  • Observation – It is evident misinformation regarding the future of the Westville campus is being circulated in surrounding communities
  • Recommendation – Commit to building positive relationships with students, potential students, parents and nearby school districts.Shift the narrative to a positive future tense when speaking to all stakeholders about the Westville campus


Marketing the Westville Campus

  • Recommendation – Conduct a marketing campaign specific to the Westville campus