Faculty Senate Agenda, September 13, 2019

September 9, 2019

Purdue Northwest Faculty Senate


September 13, 2019

10:00 a.m., Portage Meeting Facility Room 113


  1. Determination of quorum.
  2. Call to order.
  3. Approval of the agenda.
  4. Approval of the minutes from August 23, 2019.
  5. Welcome and remarks by the Senate Chair (T. Elmendorf).
    1. Reminder of Special Senate Meeting September 27, 10am, Portage, for Strategic Plan Focus Group
  6. Remarks by the Chancellor (T. Keon)
  7. New Business
    1. Curriculum documents and updates (L. Taylor).
  8. New Business
    1. Senate Documents for Action
      1. FSD 18-23 on the use of SRA (Ed Policy, K. Scipes)
    2. Senate documents for Discussion:
      1. FSD 19-04, Faculty workload (Faculty Affairs, R. Vega) 
      2. FSD 19-05, Membership of subordinate committees (Nominations and Awards, A. Alavizadeh)
    3. Discussion items:
      1. Report on the current status of assessment in preparation for the HLC visit (C. Fewer)
      2. Discussion of issues relating to the Westville campus.
  9. Remarks by the Student Government representative (J. Schooley, SGA President)
  10. Report of the University Senate/IFC representative (J. Pula)
  11. Open discussion (as time permits)

Committee room assignments:

  • Nominations, Elections, and Awards – Foyer Room
  • Curriculum – PMF 104
  • Education Policy – PMF 113
  • Faculty Affairs – PMF 113
  • General Education – PMF 113
  • Student Affairs – PMF 113