FSD 19-25: Faculty Option for Remote Instruction

June 13, 2020

Committee: Executive

Discussion Date: June 5, 2020

For Action Date:

Whereas: The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented risks for face to face instruction, and


Whereas: Faculty are in the best position to judge the trade-offs between health risks to both themselves and students, and the potential detriment to instructional quality for a particular course,


Be it resolved: Faculty shall be allowed to opt for remote delivery of instruction for any of their courses in the fall of 2020, with no further requirement or justification.  Faculty exercising this option shall in no way be penalized in comparison with those delivering face to face instruction, including in evaluation of merit and for evaluation for promotion or for tenure.  Faculty should inform their department chairs of their choices by July 13, 2020, at the very latest.