Faculty Senate Minutes, April 8, 2022

August 10, 2022

Faculty Senate Minutes, April 8, 2022

10:00 AM-12:00 PM       Via Zoom


An audio recording of this meeting can be accessed here.
The Zoom chat thread for this meeting can be accessed

Voting Members Present:
Jai Agrawal, Khair Al Shamaileh, Lee Artz, Minoo Ashoori, Matthew Bauman, Magesh Chandramouli, Ralph Cherry, Renee Conroy, Joan Dorman, Anne Edwards, Tony Elmendorf, Mohammed Errihani, Omer Farook, Maria Garcia-Verdugo, Rob Hallock, Meden Isaac-Lam, Hansung Kim, Kenny Kincaid, Dave Kozel, Roger Kraft, Bob Kramer, Maureen Mascha, Vincent Marasco, Meghan McGonigal-Kenney, Robert Merkovsky, Michael Mick, Colette Morrow, Shoji Nakayama, David Nalbone, Dave Pratt, Vanessa Quinn, Charles Rarick, Sheila Rezak, Tom Roach, Julia Rogers, Michael Roller, Kim Scipes, Tony Sindone, Michelle Spaulding, Diane Spoljoric, Sham Tickoo, Shengyong Zhang

Voting Members Absent:
Tantatape Brahmasrene, Michael Roller

Non-Voting Members Present:
Liz Bryant, Alan McCafferty

Others Present:
Harvey Abramowitz, Raida Abuizam, Gokarna Aryal, Geoffrey Barrow, Mike Biel, Michael Bourgeois, Joy Colwell, Mason Cook, Elizabeth Babcock Depew, Colin Fewer, Cathy Gillotti, Lisa Goodnight, Debra Grant, Emily Hixon, Chris Holford, Lisa Hopp, Keyuan Jiang, Dana Krill, Kelia Malone, Paul McGrath, Mary Morrow, Ezra Mutai, Neil Nemeth, Catharine Olsen, Meg Rincker, Geoff Schultz, Rachel C. Smith, Rebecca Stankowski, Li Tan, Nicoleta Tarfulea, Kathy Tobin, Stephen Turner, Kelly Vaughan, Feng-Song Wang, Maria Watson, Kay Westhues, Jen Williams, Tim Winders


  1. Determination of Quorum.
    • Quorum determined at 10:02 a.m.
  2. Call to Order.
  3. Approval of the Agenda.
    • Motioned for approval T. Elmendorf
    • Seconded by L. Artz
    • Approved by show of hands
  4. Approval of the Minutes from March 11, 2022.
    • Motioned for approval by M. Mascha
    • Seconded by R. Merkovsky
    • Approved by show of hands
  5. Remarks by the Senate Chair (K. Scipes)
    • The Chair provided a reminder about the Celebration of Life for Dr. Saul Lerner, taking place on April 16.
    • Memoriam for Dr. Lynda Willer
      1. The Chair gave the floor to N. Nemeth to present the memoriam and then asked for a moment of silence.
    • The Chair made brief remarks about the Faculty Convocation. They reiterated their apology for the miscommunication concerning an alleged vote from the Executive Committee requesting the Chancellor’s resignation. They added that faculty need to insert themselves into discussions with senior leadership about the university going forward.
  6. Remarks by the Chancellor (T. Keon)
    • Chancellor Keon was not in attendance, the Provost spoke in his place.
      1. Provost Holford said the Chancellor is current at the BOT meeting in WL. They said on the docket of that meeting is the baccalaureate in cybersecurity and a general discussion of the civics requirement.
      2. They announced faculty promotions and gave congratulations.
      3. They congratulated faculty for successful Days of Discovery events on both campuses.
      4. At the request of Senate leadership, the Provost clarified the raise pool stating that raises are a 3% base and 2% bonus. They said all raises and bonuses are based on performance and merit. The 3% will be adjusted to the base, the 2% is a cash bonus.
      5. The Provost said they are planning to schedule appointments with faculty from various departments on the Westville campus that are impacted by moves, most of which are in Schwarz Hall.
      6. They announced the DJ Diesel performance on the Hammond campus at seven o’clock.
      7. They welcomed M. Cook, incoming SGA president.
  1. Unfinished Business
    • New Senators update (T. Elmendorf)
      1. Elmendorf began by sharing the list of faculty promotions released by the Provost.
      2. Elmendorf said the following people have been either elected or reelected to a new three-year term:
        1. Quinn (Biology)
        2. Aryal (Math & Stats)
        3. Niyaz (ECE)
        4. Artz (CCA)
        5. Schultz (SOEC)
        6. Fasanya (Construction Science)
        7. Chaney (CON)
      3. Two units without senators
        1. Managerial Studies
        2. CITG
      4. Elmendorf said there will be two at-large seats and there are currently three nominees for those seats:
        1. Covington (CON)
        2. Furst (CON)
        3. Farook (COT)
      5. Elmendorf said their committee will be sending out a ballot to the faculty to elect those senators early next week. As soon as the at-large election is completed, a preferential survey will be sent out to newly elected Senators so that they can be distributed among the standing committees and recommend a list of members of the standing committees for next year.
  1. New Business
    • Senate Documents for Action
      1. Excused Absence Amendment (K. Kincaid)
        1. Kincaid clarified that this is an amended document for Discussion.
        2. Maureen Mascha asked for clarification on the protocol for excused absences and provided an example in which a student is asked for documentation, as described on the syllabus, and then referred to the Dean of Students if further discussion is required.
          1. Kincaid confirmed that M. Mascha is correct in referring students to the Dean of Students, which is the procedure described in the PUWL Medically Excused Absence Policy for Students.
        3. Sindone asked if this document was necessary if there is already a policy in place. They shared their concern about the abundance of resolutions for protocols already in place. T. Elmendorf said this may be the case because of disorganization on the Senate webpage and offered to assist A. McCafferty with making the webpage easier to navigate.
        4. Williams said they are currently working on the catalog and took note to make sure this policy is incorporated for 22/23.
        5. Merkovsky motioned for action
        6. Seconded by T. Elmendorf
        7. Approved by show of hands
        8. Motioned for approval by R. Cherry
        9. Seconded by D. Kozel
        10. Approved by show of hands
  • Senate Documents for Discussion:
    1. Courses Slated for Removal (D. Pratt)
      1. Pratt said Gen Ed has been gathering lists of courses that are no longer functioning as serving general education requirements. They said the courses listed can still be offered and taken but the Gen Ed Committee would like to remove them from Gen Ed designation.
      2. They pointed out CHEM10300 – Chemistry & Society, and SCI11300 – Introduction To The Physical Sciences II will be added to the removal list.
      3. They said the purpose for sharing today is to receive feedback, report errors, and for Senators to share with their respective departments for verification.
      4. For Action at next meeting
      5. Cherry asked, how can units add courses to be removed from the list. D. Pratt said to bring additional courses to their attention and those courses will be collated and removed the next time this process takes place.
    2. Resolution for Experiential Learning Committee (D. Pratt)
      1. This document is intended to establish a subordinate committee of Experiential Learning. Under the General Education & Assessment Committee there was an ad hoc group that was established a few years ago, when the decision was made that all PNW students were required to take at least one ExL course as a graduation requirement. The ad hoc group has successfully met the duties that they were initially charged with, but the request came from that ad hoc group, and then was supported by the Gen Ed Committee, to establish a more permanent subordinate committee. Gen Ed recommends a new ExL committee be formed to provide general oversight, expansion, communication and development of ExL courses at PNW. The expansion is also part of our strategic plan for 2020-2025.
      2. Nalbone suggested the following friendly amendment for clarification: where the document says ‘serving without vote’ should be amended to specify administrative officials. D. Pratt accepted the suggested amendment.
      3. For Action at next meeting
    3. Resolution on Incomplete Policy (A. Edwards)
      1. Edwards acknowledged J. Williams for their contributions to the EPC.
      2. Edwards explained that under the current policy students have to achieve a permanent grade in a course no later than the twelfth week of the second subsequent semester of enrollment. Faculty members have shared that this is difficult to keep track of for both faculty and students. The proposal is for the incomplete to have to have a permanent grade in one calendar year. This matches the revisions made on the West Lafayette campus and the Purdue Fort Wayne campus.
      3. Roach pointed out that this may not work for PNW students who have legitimate extenuating circumstances for being unable to complete a course within the given time frame. A. Edwards said the policy, as it stands, indicates that if the student does not attend and the incomplete does not result in a permanent grade in three years it becomes a permanent ‘I’ on their record. The other issue is that there are possibilities for extensions.
      4. Kozel asked if it should be specified, “… no later than one calendar year after the day grades are due…” to avoid confusion. D. Kozel also suggested reverting the grade to an ‘IX” so that it does not affect GPA. They pointed out potential issues with a sentence in the document that reads, “A student will not be permitted to enroll in a future semester for a course in which they have an I, PI, or SI.” They Cited examples of students requesting an incomplete with intentions of retaking the course. A. Edwards pointed out the difference between a student who retakes a course because of their dissatisfaction with their grade versus a student with an open ‘I’ indicating that the instructor believes there is a compelling reason why they shouldn’t have to pay for the course again.
      5. Quinn asked if there is an estimate on the percentage of students who convert an ‘I’ into a grade versus the percentage of student who do not. No figure was available at the time. It was said a report of the numbers could be created.
      6. Kramer said there are a variety of students who have an incomplete and then decide they are going to try to make up the incomplete and will enroll for the course again, which is not necessary. A. Edwards said if the sentence in question is removed there would be need for discussions on how to protect students who unaware of the repercussions from reenrolling in a course.
      7. Quinn asked A. Edwards to provide a reminder of how it would happen that a student would be granted an incomplete.
      8. Kim asked about courses that are only offered once a year, especially those with labs or equipment. A. Edwards said in that case there are incomplete extensions that should be filled out before the due date of one year.
      9. Williams clarified that an ‘IX’ grade is a non-attendance grade intended for students who do not attend after the incomplete is issued whereas the ‘IF’ is for students who did attend but did not complete the incomplete in the time given.
      10. Quinn asked how a student would be able to do an incomplete, do they as a faculty member? How does the faculty member make that decision? A. Edwards said, in terms of the policy, the student or another student support entity such as the Dean of Students could request an incomplete. A certain percentage of the work for the course is supposed to have been completed and an indication that the student was passing at the time that the incomplete was granted is what is on the return form for incompletes.
      11. Elmendorf alluded to a comment in the chat from C. Fewer [10:49:46] which says that it is often a good idea to send students to the Office of the Dean of Students rather than give a sketchy incomplete that is unlikely to be completed. The student can work with the Registrar to waive deadlines and WDs, sometimes with a refund.
      12. The document was sent back to the committee to consider what should be done.
    4. Proposal for an ad hoc Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice and Belonging (DEIJB) Sub-Committee of the Faculty Affairs Committee of the PNW Faculty Senate (T. Sindone)
      1. Sindone said the purpose of this document is to see and assess if there are incidences of institutional racism and other prejudices that may exist at the university. The proposal is for an ad hoc Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice and Belonging subcommittee of the Faculty Affairs Committee be established to foster anti-racism, equity, and inclusion as central to PNW’s culture and operations.
      2. Elmendorf said there would be no problem with the part of the document that says the faculty members of this ad hoc committee will be identified by the Nominating Committee. They said identifying a member of the regional community may be beyond the expertise of the committee and suggested farming that portion to Senate leadership, perhaps in consultation with senior administration. They also pointed out that there is nothing in the document about who is going to give the committee its charge and get it going.
      3. Sindone accepted T. Elmendorf’s suggestion as a friendly amendment. They said it was the vision of FAC that they would give charge to the ad hoc committee and the report would be received by FAC.
      4. Quinn asked if T. Sindone was making a motion to suspend the rules of the Senate so that this document can be moved to action.
      5. Morrow motioned for suspension of rules, move to action.
      6. Seconded by T. Sindone
      7. Approved by show of hands
      8. Motioned for approval by T. Sindone
      9. Seconded by R. Hallock
      10. Approved by show of hands with at least two-thirds majority in favor.
  • Documents and Reports for Information
    1. Nomination and election of representatives to the Academic Program Review Peer Review Corps (T. Elmendorf)
      1. Elmendorf said a representative is needed from the Senate to serve as Amlan Mitra’s replacement on the Academic Review Core. The enabling document for the APRC says that there has to be a representative of the Senate. They urged Senators to step forward to serve in the position.
      2. To be discussed further at the May 6 meeting.
    2. Vice Chair Elections (T. Elmendorf)
      1. Overview of process
        1. Elmendorf introduced the candidates for Vice Chair Elect and explained that each candidate will provide a speech. The Vice Chair Elect will immediately become a member of the Senate Leadership and a member of the Executive Committee, their current seat on the Senate will become vacant and will need to be filled by the electors that sent them there. The actual election will take place this weekend remotely because the Senate decided that it would hold a remote election. A ballot will be distributed by the Nominations Committee with the names of the nominees at approximately 5:00pm today. Senators will have 48 hours in which to submit their vote. T. Elmendorf said to contact him if a link to the ballot is not received by 6:30pm this evening. They said they have members on their committee who are experts in making sure that the ballot is secure, transparent and anonymous.
      2. Speeches by candidates [5 minutes per candidate]
        1. Nalbone [1:24:30] *
        2. Quinn [1:30:21] *
          1. *Refer to audio recording linked above for candidate speeches.
        3. Elmendorf said those voting Senators who attended this meeting for any duration are eligible to vote. Further instructions will be on the ballot.
      3. Reports from Senate Standing Committee Chairs
        1. Curriculum Committee
          1. Discussing improvement to the submission process for Curriculog, to be added to the agenda for next month.
        2. Ed Policy
          1. Will be discussing COT/CES merger.
          2. Will be discussing the university college.
        3. Faculty Affairs
          1. In discussion with D. Pratt about proposal for joint resolution to codify the fact that Gen Ed would be curriculum matter.
          2. Discussion of AAUP letter in opposition to various gag orders trying to direct professors on what they can and cannot say in the classroom. T. Sindone will be working with counterparts at other Indiana universities to see if they can come up with a joint statement or resolution that would combat that.
        4. Gen Ed
          1. Pratt reported improved compliance for reporting outcomes for Gen Ed revalidation in the areas of composition and natural sciences.
          2. Pratt acknowledged the hard work of committee members and shared congratulations for those promoted to associate professor status.
        5. Student Affairs Committee (K. Kincaid)
          1. Student of the Month resolution
            1. For discussion and perhaps for action at the next Senate meeting.
            2. The resolution to recognize student achievement on a monthly basis using available resources has been generously supported by the Dean of Students and other offices. Several members of the campus community would participate on the committees that select students of the month. Questions can be submitted to K. Kincaid.
          2. Athletic Fitness
          3. The Student Affairs Committee proposes an optional PAR Physical Activity Readiness cocurricular program to improve students’ health and fitness as they progress towards their future careers and professions. This would not affect any academic aspect of the curriculum, but it would give students a micro-credential.
          4. To be discussed at next meeting.
        6. Report from Westville Committee (V. Quinn or T. Sindone)
          1. Sindone reiterated discussions with the Provost about moves around Schwarz. Will discuss with the Senate further after gathering more information.
        7. Report from SGA (M. Cook)
          • The Chair introduced Mason Cook, new Student Government President.
          • Cook shared thanks on behalf of O. White.
          • They explained the SGA election process and distribution of result.
          • They announced the Cram Jam event taking place in April.
          • They announced the opening of the meditation and prayer room on the Hammond Campus in SULB 344C. A meditation and prayer room is also expected to be opening soon in Westville.
        8. Report from West Lafayette/IFC representative (V. Quinn/C. Morrow)
          • Quinn said the PUWL Senate Meeting was held 03-24-22 via Zoom.
          • Leung was elected Vice Chair of the PUWL Senate.
          • Resolutions passed:
            1. Change in bylaws to increase number of Senators from 102 to 104.
            2. Resolution in support of Purdue international students and their family members.
            3. Resolution in support of recognizing and valuing the voices and contributions of Black and underrepresented faculty and staff.
            4. Resolution in support of faculty being part of a conversation regarding future academic emergency planning.
            5. Winter Session added to PUWL calendar, previously referred to as ‘J term’. Will not affect calendars at PNW.
          • Documents for Discussion:
            1. Potential changes in the West Lafayette core curriculum to include courses in diversity, equity and inclusion. We will vote on that document in the in our next meeting.
            2. SAT/ACT undergraduate admissions. Similar to conversations at PNW about removing required testing.
          • IFC
            1. Call for new chair, no nominations received yet.
            2. Purdue Global representation on IFC. Must go through BOT.
            3. Access to Civics Literacy test for applicable faculty.
  1. Open discussion (as time permits).
    • Nalbone announced for information that AAUP will be having a spring meeting on April 9 and offered the agenda for that meeting to anyone interested. They will be discussing educational gag orders, shared governance, and the demographic cliff and how to respond to it.
    • Kincaid said Grade Appeals will need a new chair. T. Elmendorf said they have received on self-nominee and said the Chair will be distributing an email with further details of what the position entails.
    • Biel clarified that from a financial aid standpoint, incompletes and withdrawals are treated the same.
    • Bourgeois provided a reminder that NSSE and FSSE are still open.
  2. Adjournment
    • Merkovsky moved to adjourn
    • Elmendorf seconded
    • Meeting adjourned at 11:57