SGA Bylaws & Constitution




This document, called the Bylaws shall be subordinate and additional to the Constitution of the Purdue University Northwest Student Government Association.




A) The Executive Board shall meet on a monthly basis during the fall and spring semesters of the academic year and meet a minimum of two meetings during the summer.

B.) The Student Body President shall chair the meetings; if they are unable to attend, then the President Pro Tempore shall chair the meeting.

C.) Those that are required to be in attendance are the Student Body President, Student Body Vice President, Chief of Staff, Chief Financial Officer, and President Pro Tempore.

D.) The Chief of Staff shall record notes from Executive Board meetings and have the notes ready for the next scheduled Senate meeting.

E.) The Speaker of the House may be allowed to attend.


A) Student Body President
  1. Shall present a State of the Student Government Association Address each September.
  2. Shall attend all required Purdue University Board of Trustees meetings and be prepared to present yearly reports on the state of the Student Body to the Board of Trustees.
  3. Shall attend all Administrative Leadership Team Meetings. If the Student Body President cannot attend, they must appoint a proxy to attend the Administrative Leadership Team Meeting.
  4. Shall attend monthly meetings of the University Forum. If the Student Body President cannot attend, they must appoint a proxy to attend the University Forum meetings.
  5. Shall represent the Student Government Association at all sessions of the Faculty Senate. If the Student Body President cannot attend, they must appoint a proxy to attend the Faculty Senate.
  6. Shall work with the Chief of Staff to plan and execute the fall and spring retreat for the Executive Board.
  7. Shall be responsible for maintaining frequent contact with the Dean of Students and the Chancellor.
  8. Shall attend Student Senate meetings and shall be prepared to give a report.
  9. Appointment(s):

a. Shall appoint a Chief of Staff.

B) Student Body Vice President
  1. Shall attend Student Government Association orientation, as well as complete select required student organization training.
  2. Must complete (3) office hours per week.
  3. Shall assume the duties of the Student Body President in their absence.
  4. Shall be responsible for maintaining and keeping record of office hours and volunteer hours of all Student Government Association members.
  5. Shall be responsible for nominating any vacancies in the Legislature.
  6. Shall be responsible for representing the Legislature at University and community functions.
  7. In the event of a tie vote of the Senate, the Student Body Vice President shall cast the tie-breaking vote.
  8. Shall offer volunteer hours to other clubs and community events.
  9. Shall draft the agenda for joint meetings needing Senate approval prior to the meeting.
  10. Shall forward all legislation requiring the Student Body President’s signature to him or her within two class days of its adoption by the Student Senate.
  11. Shall be responsible for recruitment of potential house members.
  12. Shall be responsible for appointing the Chairs of the Senate Standing .
C) Advisor(s)
  1. There will be full-time faculty or full-time professional employees of Purdue University Northwest who serve advisory roles to the Student Government Association.
  2. Shall advise the Executive Board, Student Senate, and House of Representatives regarding all Student Government Association initiatives.
  3. Shall serve as liaisons to the Purdue University Northwest Administration on behalf of the Student Government Association Student Body President.
  4. Student Government Association reserves the right to seek additional counsel from faculty and staff at Purdue University Northwest.
D) Chief of Staff
  1. Shall organize and distribute all written communication and other information for the Student Government Association Executive Board.
  2. Shall serve as member of the Executive Board.
  3. Shall conduct Executive Board Meetings in the absence of the Student Body President.
  4. Shall assist the President Pro Tempore with all office procedure training.
  5. Shall perform any other duties deemed necessary by the Student Body President.
  6. Shall assist other Executive Board members in the planning and execution of campus-wide events.
  7. Shall work with the Student Body President to plan and execute the fall and spring retreat for the Executive Board.
  8. Shall take meeting minutes at Executive Board Meetings.
  9. Shall serve as a member of the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee.
  10. Shall serve as the chair of Elections and Programming Committee (EPC).
  11. Shall attend Student Senate meetings and be prepared to give a report about Executive Board Meetings.
  12. Shall be responsible for maintaining records of attendance for all Legislative Body members.
  13. Shall maintain the Purdue University Northwest website and other official social media of the Student Government Association.
  14. Shall complete three (3) office hours per week.
E) Chief Financial Officer
  1. Shall prepare and manage the Student Government Association annual budget.
  2. Shall serve as a Chair of the Student Senate Budget Committee.
  3. Shall review the use of allocated Leadership Funds by clubs and organizations and ensure proper use thereof.
  4. Shall ensure that members of the Student Government Association have paperwork submitted within two weeks from the end of the pay period.
  5. Shall serve as a member of the Executive Board.
  6. Shall attend Student Senate meetings and be prepared to give a report.
  7. Shall complete three (3) office hours per week.




  1. No Student Senate or House of Representatives meeting may exceed three (3) hours unless there is a majority vote of those present and voting. If the meeting is to be extended, there shall be a short recess, at which time Senators or House members who must leave will notify the Student Body Vice President for the Senate and the Speaker for the House.
  2. Quorum for meetings of the Student Senate shall be a majority of fifty percent plus one of the sworn members of the Student Senate. Quorum for meetings of the House of Representatives shall be of five official House members or greater.
  3. A special session of the Student Legislature may be called by the Student Body Vice President or the written request of 1/2 of the members of that body to the Student Body Vice President. Special sessions may be declared invalid if a valid and exhaustive effort to contact all members to inform them of such a session was not made. Special sessions may not be called without at least two class day’s notice.


A) President Pro Tempore
  1. Shall preside over the Student Senate in the Student Government Association.
  2. Shall call all meetings of the Student Senate to order at the appointed times, shall preside over all meetings of the Student Senate, shall announce the business before the Legislature in its proper order, shall state and put all questions properly brought before the assembly, shall preserve order and decorum, and shall decide all questions of order, subject to appeal.
  3. Shall insure proper training for all new members elected or appointed to the Legislature.
  4. Shall be a non-voting Executive Board Member, unless in the event of a tie on the Executive Board then may cast tie-breaking vote.
  5. Shall be responsible for all New Member orientations and education to prepare them with proper training upon formally joining the Student Government Association Legislature.
  6. Shall be responsible for planning and executing the Legislative Body fall and spring retreat within budget.
  7. Shall complete three (3) office hours per week.

B) Speaker of the House

  1. Shall preside over the Purdue University Northwest Student Government Association House of Representatives.
  2. Shall be responsible for sending approved legislation from the House of Representatives over to the Senate.
  3. Shall communicate with the Executive Board.
  4. Shall cast a tie breaking vote in the House of Representatives.
  5. Shall take attendance for members of the House of Representatives.


  1. Qualification of Senators . A member of the Student Body shall be considered a qualified Senator-elect upon receipt by the Student Body Vice President of certification of the individual’s election to the Senate from the Elections and Programming Committee, or a qualified Senator-designate upon the approval by a simple majority of the Senate of his or her nomination by the Student Body Vice President. Before such a qualified Senator-elect or Senator-designate may assume membership, he or she shall be administered the oath of office by the Student Body Vice President as required by statute.
  2. Appointment to fill vacant seats . The Student Body Vice President shall be empowered to nominate an eligible member of the Student Body for appointment to any Senate seat which is not to be filled for the remainder of the session by other action provided for in this Rule. The Student Body Vice President shall make a reasonable effort to make this appointment process public and notify the student body. Any such nominee must be a member of the constituency they are to be appointed to represent. Such nominations shall be
    subject to approval by a simple majority of the Senate as described in clause (1) of this section.
  3. Duties of Senators. Senators representing their College shall serve as the voice of their own campus college. College Senators shall meet regularly with the Dean of their respective college. Senators representing open positions will be subject to miscellaneous duties that will be assigned to their individual campus. Shall serve on at least one of the Senate Standing Committees. Must attend Senate meetings and other scheduled meetings discussing student needs. Must complete eight (8) office hours per month with a minimum of two (2) being completed per week and two (2) hours being completed per month pertaining to their own campus college. Shall offer volunteer hours to other clubs and community events. Other miscellaneous duties are assigned.


  1. Qualification of Representatives . A member of the Student Body must be considered a qualified Representative upon receipt by the Student Body Vice President of certification of the individual’s approval by the Senate. House of Representatives members must have a minimum 2.0 GPA. House of Representatives members must represent one (1) active, registered organization.
  2. Appointment to fill vacant seats . The Student Body Vice President shall be empowered to contact an active, registered student organization for appointment to any Representative seat which is not to be filled for the remainder of the session by other action provided for in this Rule. The Student Body Vice President shall make a reasonable effort to make this
    appointment process public. Any such nominee must be a member of the constituency they are to be appointed to represent.
  3. Duties of Representatives. Representatives representing their organization must serve as the voice of their own campus organization. Representatives shall meet regularly with their respective student organization. Shall be able to draft, introduce, and vote on legislation from within the House of Representatives with technical requirements. The House of Representatives shall pass legislation from the Senate for it to advance and legislation from the House of Representatives must pass the Senate for it to advance. Must attend House of Representative meetings and other scheduled meetings discussing student needs.




A.) Types of Legislation

The Senate and the House of Representatives shall recognize two types of legislation, which shall be known as Bills and Resolutions. The Student Body Vice President shall determine the proper format for the presentation of all forms of legislation and inform all Senators of the requirements thereof. Resolutions . All legislation creating or affecting a change in the Student Government Association or other body of law within the legislative powers of the Senate and House of Representatives, or providing for the budgeting and appropriation of Student Government Association Funds, shall be presented in the form of a Resolution. The specific resolution types shall be as follows:

  1. Budget Resolution . A budget resolution either sets or modifies the Student Government Association budget.
  2. Finance Resolution . A finance resolution authorizes or instructs the expenditure of funds previously budgeted. This includes allocating funds to registered student organizations, establishing co-sponsorship with other organizations, and for purchasing goods or contracting services for Student Government. Allocation up to $750 seven hundred fifty dollars per Student Organization.
  3. Government Resolution . A government resolution amends the Student Government Association or other body of law within the legislative power of the Senate and House of Representatives. Additionally, resolutions providing for both use of the Student Government Association funds as well as amending bodies of law shall be in the form of a government resolution.
  4. Procedural Resolution . A Senate Resolution amends the Standing Rules of the Student Senate or other bodies of law under the discretionary authority of the Student Senate. A House Resolution amends the standing rules of the House under the discretionary authority of the House of Representatives. Any standing rules proposed by the House of Representatives must be approved by the Senate.
  5. Identical Resolution : The House and Senate may both create identical legislation that does not deviate in any difference of language, intent, or desire used. Both bills must be exactly identical and shall not be required to pass its opposite legislative body meaning the Senate or House before going to the President. Identical legislation from the House and Senate must have at least one House and Senate sponsor or co-sponsor at minimum.(a.) If an amendment is offered and accepted on to either bill then the original sponsor of the bill whether from the House or Senate shall decide whether he or she accepts the amendments to the resolution. Then he or she may decide to send the bill to conference committee, let the bill stand as amended and proceed, or withdraw the bill from consideration making the resolution officially inactive in the opposite chamber. After the bill is amended then both the House of Representatives and Senate shall vote again on the bill.(b.) Exception includes resolutions for Senators. The House of Representatives shall not vote on resolutions to appoint new Senators or confirmation of the Chief of Staff or the Chief Financial Officer. However, the House of Representatives shall be allowed to give a recommendation if the candidate should or should not fill the CFO or COS positions.(c.) Exception includes resolution for Speaker of the House. The Senate shall not vote on resolution to elect the Speaker of the House.

2.) Bill . All legislation creating or affecting a change in Student Government policy shall be in the form of a Bill. Bills shall not amend any portion of the Student Government Association, the Student Government Association Budget, or any other body of law within the legislative powers of the Senate and House of Representatives. A Bill, upon its passage, shall be referred to the correct governance group or person on campus (Faculty Senate, Chancellor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, etc.)

B) Legislative expiration

Upon adjournment sine die of a session, all legislation not definitely disposed of by the Senate or House of Representatives is to be considered postponed indefinitely and can only be brought up in a new session by reintroduction.


A.) Initial Introduction

A Senator may file legislation for introduction by submitting an electronic copy to the President Pro Tempore and the Chief Financial Officer. Legislation filed at least three (3) days prior to a Senate meeting shall be placed on the agenda for first reading at that meeting. The Chief of Staff shall cause the legislation to be posted on the Student Government Association website no later than three class days following its filing for introduction.

  1. Legislation filed by a member of the House of Representatives shall submit an electronic copy to the Speaker of the House, Vice President, and Chief of Staff.
  2. Late Introduction . Legislation filed on the day of the meeting in the Senate may be put onto the agenda by simple majority vote of the Senate at the meeting, without debate. Late legislation put onto the agenda can only be passed with the approval of 2/3 of the Senate.. If the late legislation is tabled to the next meeting, it no longer needs to be approved by 2/3 of the Senate. Legislation filed on the day of a meeting in the House of Representatives may be put onto the agenda by a simple majority in the House of Representatives without debate. Late legislation may be put onto the agenda by a 3/5 vote of the House at the meeting. If the late legislation is tabled it no longer needs to be approved by 3/5 of the House of Representatives.
  3. Sponsorship of Legislation . Any Senator(s) or House member(s) legislation with the Student Government Office for first reading shall be designated as the primary sponsor(s) of the legislation filed. After the first reading of any piece of legislation, any number of Senators or House members may join as secondary sponsors of the legislation with the consent of the primary sponsors. The Senate and the House of Representatives shall not amend the names of primary or secondary sponsors without the consent of those Senators and House members whose names are to be amended.


A.) Procedure for Legislation

At the appointed time, the President Pro Tempore/Speaker of the House of Representatives shall call the first item of legislation on the agenda for reading to be read by title only, unless any Senator or House member should ask for a full reading with the consent of one-fourth of those Senators present in the Senate and ⅓ of those House members present in the House of Representatives. Following the reading of the item of legislation, the President Pro Tempore/Speaker of the House of Representatives shall recognize the author(s) of the committee report (if any) on the legislation for a period not to exceed five minutes, during which time the author(s) shall give a summary of the committee’s report. At the conclusion of the report, the President Pro Tempore/ Speaker of the House of Representatives shall state the conduct of debate, and then the question on the adoption of the legislation, and the motion to object to its consideration shall be out of order.

  1. In this section the Speaker of the House of Representatives conducts procedure for the House of Representatives only.
  2. Referral to Committee . At the appointed time, the Student Body Vice President and Speaker of the House of Representatives shall refer all legislation not decided on or needing changes to the committee he or she deems appropriate according to these Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Legislature unless the Senate or House of Representatives does otherwise.
  3. Amendment of legislation . All motions to amend legislation may be written or orally submitted to the Chief of Staff at the time of their introduction. Amendments to legislation only require a simple majority of the Senate or House of Representatives.
  4. Procedure for House Vacancy. In the event there are no members of the House of Representatives, the Senate shall move legislation without regard for the House of Representatives. If only four or fewer official members exist in the House of Representatives then the Senate shall move legislation without regard for the House of Representatives.

a.) Five members are required in the House of Representatives to draft, file, sponsor, and vote on legislation from within the House and legislation passed by the Senate.

b.) Legislation passed by the Senate must be passed by the House if the previous criteria is met. In the event there are official members in the House of Representatives but not present at the House meetings the following shall occur

1: An email with the passed Senate version shall be sent by the Chief of Staff to official House Members within 24-48 hours after the Senate approves the legislation.

2: Upon receipt of legislation to members of the House of Representatives, House members have 72 hours to review resolutions passed by the Senate and send an email to the Vice President, Chief of Staff, and Speaker of the House with vote of “YEA, NAY, or ABSTAIN.”

3: If an amendment is proposed by any members of the House they must submit the proposed amendment to the original author of the bill/resolution to the Senate author, Speaker of House, Chief of Staff, and President Pro Tempore within 24 hours of receiving the bill.

4: In the event that there is not a quorum of House members to vote on the resolution, the deadlines specified in this clause are not met then the Senate shall proceed with the resolution without regard for the House of Representatives and may go to the President for approval.


A.) Engrossment of Bills and Resolutions

Within three days of the adoption of a Bill or Resolution which must be submitted to the Student Body President, the President Pro Tempore shall cause a copy of the Bill or Resolution to be engrossed and submit an engrossed and signed copy of the Bill or Resolution to the Student Body President for his or her signature.

B.) Enrollment of legislation

The President Pro Tempore shall cause such legislation to be enrolled and cause the distribution of the legislation necessary to achieve its purpose within three class days of

a. The receipt of a Bill or Resolution signed by the Student Body President;

b. The adoption of a motion to override a veto by the Student Body President;

c. The expiration of the seven days following the submission of a Bill or Resolution to the Student Body President with no communication from him or her; or

d. The adoption of legislation not requiring presentment to the Student Body President.

C.) Automatic Veto Override

The Student Senate and House of Representatives may automatically override any potential veto of the Student Body President if:

a. Upon filing, the bill includes in the resolved section a provision for an automatic veto override;

b. If provided as an amendment during debate of legislation, an automatic veto override amendment must pass the Senate by 3/4 th vote and the House of Representatives by a 3/5th vote to attach it to the legislation. To remove it from legislation, it requires a simple majority vote by the Senate and House of Representatives. The House of Representatives must have five official members and an elected Speaker of the House to participate in a veto override. In the event there are less than five House members present or a quorum is not present, the Senate override may stand and the House of Representatives need not be considered.

1. A committee may amend a bill to include an automatic veto override; and,

2. If any automatic veto override is to be considered enrolled, the bill must pass the Senate by a 3/4th vote and the House of Representatives by a 3/5th vote of all members present and voting provided a quorum exists.




A.) Documenting Attendance

Immediately after calling the Senate to order, and immediately before declaring the Senate adjourned, the Chief of Staff shall cause the roll to be called to establish the presence of a quorum and to confirm the attendance of Senators. Any Senator not in attendance for such a roll call, shall be assessed with one-half (1/2) of a Senate absence. Any Senator not in attendance for the entire legislative meeting shall be assessed with one-half (½) of a Senate absence. All absences shall be submitted by the Chief of Staff to the President. Senators are required to provide the President Pro Tempore notification of at least a (24) twenty-four hour prior to the meeting if they will not be in attendance for the meeting.

B. ) Attendance Policy

Should any Senator accumulate four (4) absences during their elected Session, the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee shall conduct a hearing on the Senator’s attendance, in which the Senator shall be provided a reasonable opportunity to provide either oral or written explanation of his or her absences. The committee shall determine if the absences merit expulsion from office, reprimand, or no action at all. Additional hearings shall occur for every additional absence after the fourth absence. If expulsion from office or reprimand is determined by the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee, the Senator has the opportunity to appeal the decision in the Appeals Committee of the Student Senate. If the Senator in question is chair of the Rules and Internal Affairs committee, then the Student Body Vice President will act as chair of the
committee until the hearing is concluded.

C.) Alternates

A Senator may appoint a House member that is in the same college to preside over the committee they chair to exercise full voting and debating privileges in his or her absence, provided that he or she meets all eligibility requirements to serve as a Senator. This shall be allowed to occur for one meeting per semester. The absent Senator shall not be assessed an absence if the House member is sent. The House member shall present written confirmation from the appointing Senator of his or her appointment to the President Pro Tempore President and Speaker of the House no later than immediately prior to the opening roll call of the meeting at which the alternate will be serving. The President Pro Tempore shall, if reasonable evidence of the alternate’s eligibility exists, provide the alternate’s name and the seat which they are filling to the Chief of Staff.

D.) House of Representatives Attendance Policy

The House of Representatives is a volunteer position therefore attendance at legislature meetings, committee meetings, and other Student Government affairs thereof is not required but strongly encouraged. The Senate sustains the right to bypass the House of Representatives in the event a House of Representatives is not established, there are less than five official members, or a vote is not received as specified in Article IV, Section 3, number 4.

E.) The House of Representatives shall meet simultaneously with the Senate

This location shall be chosen by the Speaker of the House with recommendation from House members and the Executive Board. The House of Representatives and the Senate can hold joint meetings if the Executive Board and Speaker of the House concur.


  1. Documenting Attendance . For every Executive Board meeting, the Chief of Staff to the President shall take attendance and keep records of that. Any Executive Board member not in attendance for an Executive Board meeting shall be assessed with an absence. All absences shall be submitted to the Chief of Staff to the President.
  2. Attendance Policy . Should any Executive Board member accumulate four (4) absences during their elected Session, the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee shall conduct a hearing on the Executive Board member’s attendance, in which the Executive Board member shall be provided a reasonable opportunity to provide either oral or written explanation of his or her absences. The committee shall determine if the absences merit expulsion from office, reprimand, or no action at all. Additional hearings shall occur for every additional absence after the fourth absence. If expulsion from office or reprimand is determined by the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee, the Executive Board member has the opportunity to appeal the decision in the Appeals Committee of the Student Senate.




  1. Call of meetings . Standing committees shall meet at least once every two full class (2) weeks during the fall and spring semesters, at the time and place prescribed by the chairperson. A simple majority of the committee’s membership may, by written petition, instruct the chair to schedule a meeting. The chair shall provide standard three-day notice for all meetings. A quorum of the committee shall consist of a simple majority of the membership of that committee.
  2. Committee reporting legislation . Committees may, upon completing their deliberations, report legislation to the Senate and House of Representatives by a simple majority vote of the committee. Such a report shall be submitted in electronic form by the Chair of the committee in the manner prescribed by the Student Body Vice President to him or her and to the Student Government Office, and may include recommendations for the Senate consideration of the legislation. Committee reports take effect immediately upon being filed.
  3. Committee reports . Committees shall submit a brief report to the President Pro Tempore upon completion of a committee meeting. The date, time, who attended and what was discussed should be included in the report. Reports shall be submitted within 72 hours of the close of the committee meeting. If minutes are recorded at the committee meeting, they may act as a viable substitute for a committee report.
  4. Discharge from consideration . Any legislation remaining in a committee may be discharged from the committee, provided that standard one-day notice has been given to committee members. Passage of the motion to discharge shall require a majority vote.
  5. Consideration of legislation . Committees shall consider all legislation referred to them. No legislation may be considered at a committee meeting unless either the President Pro Tempore announced its consideration or a Senator/House member announced intent to move for its consideration.
  6. Report of legislation . All reports recommending Senate and House consideration of legislation must be submitted no later than three (3) days prior to the next scheduled meeting, in order to be placed on calendar for its First or Second reading at that meeting by the President Pro Tempore.
  7. Recommendation of Legislation for Consent Agenda . Committees may, on report of legislation for First and Second reading, recommend that the bill or resolution be placed on the agenda. The President Pro Tempore shall review the recommendation, and shall place the act of legislation on the agenda unless he or she deems it unlikely to receive consent agenda passage.
  8. Suspension of Membership for Non-Attendance . In the event that a committee member misses all of three (3) committee meetings, they shall go through the same process as stated in Article V, Section 2, number 2 of these Bylaws.
  9. Senator and House Member participation in committees . Any Senator and/or House member may attend and participate in the deliberations of any committee, but he or she shall have no vote unless a member of that said committee.
  10. Conference Committee Procedure. A conference committee may be formed to address amendments made to a House or Senate bill, to disparage differences, and fix a bill that failed to move through the opposite house but not limited to thereof. Committee Structure found in Article VI, Section 2, Number 10. The chair or any sitting member may not be the author of the bill.


(A) There will be (10) standing joint committees within the Student Senate and the House of Representatives, as it is stated in the Constitution. The House of Representatives will serve on already established committees and shall not create their own. Each of these committees shall be chaired by an elected, or appointed, Senator, with the exception of the Appeals Committee, which shall be chaired by the advisor of the Student Government Association. The makeup of these committees shall be a combination of Senators, House Members, and Executive Board Members. The makeup of these committees is as follows:

  1. Rules & Internal Affairs Committee (RC)
    a. (1) President Pro Tempore – Chair
    b. (3) Executive Board Members
    i. President
    ii. Vice President
    iii. Chief of Staff
    c. (1) Speaker of the House
  2. Budget Committee (BC)
    a. (1) Executive Board Member
    i. Chief Financial Officer – Chair
    b. (2) Senators
    c. (4) House Members
  3. University Policy Committee (UPC)
    a. (1) Senator – Chair
    b. (3) Senators
    c. (4) House Members
  4. Academic Affairs Committee (AAC)
    a. (1) Senator – Chair
    b. (3) Senators
    c. (4) House Members
  5. University Affairs Committee (UAC)
    a. (1) Senator – Chair
    b. (3) Senators
    c. (4) House Members
  6. Residence Life Committee (RLC)
    a. (1) Senator – Chair
    b. (3) Senators
    c. (4) House Members
  7. Student Services Committee (SSC)
    a. (1) Senator – Chair
    b. (3) Senators
    c. (4) House Members
  8. Elections and Programming Committee (EPC)
    a. (1) Executive Board Member – Chair
    i. Chief of Staff
    b. (1) Senator
    c. (2) House Members
  9. Appeals Committee (AC)
    a. (1) Advisor – Chair
    b. (2) Senators
    c. (3) House Members
    i – To be determined by the Chair of the committee at the appropriate
    d. (1) Executive Board Member
  10. Conference Committee (CC).
    a. (1) Executive Board Member
    b. (2) Senators
    c. (2) House Members

B.) Exemptions

1. If each of the (10) Senate and House Joint Standing Committees is filled to its capacity, chairs of Senate Standing Committees may, at their discretion, add additional representatives beyond the amount listed in Article VI, Section 2A of these Bylaws.

2. If ad-hoc committees are established, the number of Representatives may also increase.


  1. Rules & Internal Affairs Committee (RC)a. Shall be responsible for interpreting the Student Government Association Constitution and its Bylaws.
    b. Shall be responsible for interpreting Robert’s Rules of Order and Parliamentary procedure with regard to the Student Government Constitution and its Bylaws.
    c. Shall be responsible for interpreting and making the necessary revisions to the Standing Rules of the Senate.
    d. Shall be responsible for all reprimands, censorships, removal of appointed officials, and removal of elected officials.
    e. Shall recommend internal improvements and needs for change.
  2. Budget Committee (BC)
    a. Shall be responsible for overseeing all aspects of the Student Government Association’s annual budget, including, but not limited to, spending, revenue and working with the President to propose the annual budget for approval in the Student Senate.
    b. Shall be responsible for all leadership fund requests that are submitted by student organizations.
  3. University Policy Committee (UPC)
    a. Shall address any concerns relating to University Policies at Purdue University Northwest. These University Policies include, but are not limited to, the Student Handbook, Parking Policy, Smoking Policy, etc.
    b. Shall offer recommendations on any of these University Policies and work to have these recommended changes written.
  4. Academic Affairs Committee (AAC)
    a. Shall address all academic concerns of Purdue University Northwest students.
    b. Shall present to the Student Government Association, administration, faculty, and staff all recommendations for academic improvement.
    c. Shall receive student concerns about academic affairs and take steps to either aid the students in rectifying their situations or explaining to them the steps they can take to do so.
    d. Shall work for the general academic well being of students.
  5. University Affairs Committee (UAC)
    a. Shall address all non-academic concerns of Purdue University Northwest students.
    b. Shall present to the Student Government Association, administration, faculty, and the staff all recommendations for non-academic improvement.
  6. Residence Life Committee (RLC)
    a. Shall maintain an organized method for students to present complaints, compliments or comments about Residence Life.
    b. Represent the interests of the students to the Department of Housing and Residential Education in the capacity of a liaison.
    c. Shall work for the general well being of Resident Students.
  7. Student Services Committee (SSC)
    a. Shall monitor the quality of all Student Government Association services, and work to make these services more responsive to student needs.
    b. Shall work to expand the range of services that Student Government Association offers.
  8. Elections and Programming Committee (EPC)
    a. Shall collaborate and coordinate programming and special events to be sponsored or co-sponsored by the Student Government Association.
    b. Shall be responsible for conducting all aspects of Student Government Association elections, which includes annually revising the Student Government Association Elections Packet.
  9. Appeals Committee (AC)
    a. Shall consider appeals regarding decisions of all Student Government Association standing and ad-hoc committees
  10. Conference Committee (CC)
    a. Shall be responsible for addressing and reconciling differences in legislation that passed both chambers if amended and/or identical legislation has been amended. Chambers meaning House of Representatives and Senate.



A.) There shall be an Official House of Representatives in the PNW Student Government Association.

B.) House members shall have the opportunity to participate in Student Government Association events, attend meetings, and serve on committees, but are not required to complete office hours or community service hours.

C.) Shall attend monthly House of Representative meetings and other scheduled meetings discussing student needs.

D.) The House of Representatives are responsible for electing the Speaker of the House.

E.) The Speaker of the House and House of Representatives members shall not receive a stipend.

F.) There shall be a cap on the number of official House members of 36 seats. The Senate and House of Representatives may adjust the number of positions in the House of Representatives once a year by form of resolution requiring approval from both chambers. The number of positions may only increase on a need basis and the current number of positions of (36) shall not be decreased.

G.) Each college shall have six house seats.

H) Must be composed of two Representatives per active, registered organization or athletic team.



The Legislature of the Student Government Association shall have the authority to enact the punitive powers of this article in the event that an official violates an item listed in Section 5 of this article.


1. The Legislature shall have the power to publicly reprimand any of its members, as well as Executive officers, by a majority vote of those present and voting. Any individual accused of a policy violation shall be granted due process through judicial processes outlined by Section 5 of this article of the Constitution.

2. Any reprimand shall not occur on the day of the alleged offense.

3. All reprimands must be brought to the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee for review and approval to avoid abuse of power and undue public embarrassment.

4. If an official receives over two (2) reprimands in a given semester, this shall be grounds for removal from office or impeachment.


1. The Legislature shall have the power to censure any of its members, as well as Executive Board members, by a majority vote of those present and voting. Any individual accused of a policy violation shall be granted due process through the judicial processes outlined by Section 5 of this article.

2. All censures must be brought to the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee for review and approval to avoid abuse of power and undue public embarrassment.

3. When a bill of censure is passed against a non-legislature individual, the bill shall serve as a reprimand.

4. When a bill of censure is passed against an official, it shall have the following effects:

a. )The official shall lose chairmanship of committees in which said official serves.

b.) A censured official may not, however, be denied the right to vote on the matters before the Legislature.

c.) The official may lose the right to run or be appointed in the next election by an additional majority vote of those present and voting.


1. The Legislature shall have the power to remove any appointed official, after that individual has been granted due process through the judicial processes outlined by the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee.

2. Removal requires a majority vote of those members present and voting and the accused must be given one week’s notice prior to the vote. The accused member shall not vote in the matter of his or her own removal. Before any member of the Student Government Association may be removed, a bill to that effect must be reported out of the Rules and Internal
Affairs Committee.

3. The official may lose the right to run or be appointed in subsequent elections by an additional majority vote of those present and voting.


1. The Legislature shall have the power to impeach elected member(s) of the Legislative or Executive Branch.

2. No elected official may be deprived of office except by impeachment proceedings or by the recall powers granted to the students in this Constitution.


1. Punitive Action may begin with a letter of complaint from a member with the signatures of five (5) other members sent to the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee.

2. The Rules and Internal Affairs Committee shall have the power to investigate all alleged offenses by any Student Government Association official and will bring forth any resolutions of punitive action to the Student Senate and House of Representatives.

3. If an official is to be reprimanded or censured, they must first be contacted by the President Pro Tempore to appear or provide a written statement before the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee a week in advance. A member’s failure to communicate with the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee will result in the waiver of one’s right to an audience with the committee and the judicial process will continue despite one’s absence.

4. The Rules and Internal Affairs Committee will then hear the case of the member and determine if it is substantial.

5. If the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee finds that the case against the member is still substantial, it must submit a resolution of reprimand or censure, as the case may be, to the legislative body.

6. The member must also be given a chance to present his or her case to the legislative body within two weeks. If the accused member is absent for his or her hearing, their defense will be voided. If the accused member has previously submitted a written statement to the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee, it will be read aloud to the legislative body as his or her sole defense.

7. The bill must then be approved by the legislature with a simple majority.


1. Impeachment proceedings may begin with a letter of complaint from an official with the signatures of five (5) other Student Government Association members sent to the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee.

2. The Rules and Internal Affairs Committee shall have the power to investigate all alleged offenses by any Student Government Association official, including the holding of hearings, if deemed necessary.

3. If the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee decides there is sufficient evidence to impeach, it shall formulate the charges and specifications and report this to the Legislature.

4. If the Legislature agrees by a simple majority vote of members present and voting to impeach, the presiding officer shall set a time and place for the
resulting hearing. If said motion is directed at the presiding officer, he or she must vacate the chair in favor of the next officer in the order of succession, as it is laid out in the Constitution.

5. The accused shall receive written notice that informs him or her of the time and place of the hearing and all the charges and specifications against him or her.

6. The accused official shall be given at least two (2) weeks to prepare his or her defense and may solicit another Student Government Association member to act as counsel in the proceedings.


1. Following an impeachment vote, the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee shall draw up a petition of impeachment and make copies available to all members at least two (2) days prior to the hearing.

2. The President Pro Tempore shall serve as the Chief Prosecutor in the hearing, unless the President Pro Tempore is the official in question at which time the next highest ranking member will serve as Chief Prosecutor.

3. The Legislature shall try the accused elected official.

4. The hearing proceedings shall be held in utmost secrecy and the decision reached is final.

5. The order of the hearing shall be set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

6. The official may lose the right to run or be appointed in subsequent elections by an additional majority vote of those present and voting as well.


1. Appeals of any processes stated above may be directed to the Student Government Association Appeals Committee.

2. The Student Government Association Appeals Committee shall have a maximum of two (2) weeks to reach a final determination following the submission date of an appeal. The decision of the Student Government Association Appeals Committee will be final.


1. Non-performance of duty

2. Misadministration

3. Serious violation of University policy

4. Public falsehood

5. Unconstitutional acts

6. Violation of the Honor Code

7. Conviction of a serious crime

8. Slander or libel

9. Behavior unbecoming the dignity of the office

10. Any of the above offenses may be punished by reprimand, censure, removal, or impeachment.



A.) Presentation of Appointments

The appointing authority shall give notice to the Student Body Vice President of the intention to present an appointee to the Senate no later than three days before the meeting is scheduled. The President Pro Tempore shall place the appointee, with name and position of appointment, on the agenda for consideration at the aforementioned meeting.

B.) Introduction of Confirmation Resolutions

The Student Body Vice President must be given notice of any and all student body members attempting to join the Student Government Association. A candidate applying for a Student Senator position must have prepared a completed Elections Packet, resume, and passed a GPA check.

C.) Confirmation of Appointments

The appointee shall be allowed to speak for a period not to exceed three minutes, followed by a period of questions for the appointee that will not exceed ten ten minutes. Appointees shall be escorted from the room prior to a period of debate, not to exceed ten (10) minutes.

D.) Standards of Communication

It shall be the responsibility of the Chair of the committee considering a confirmation motion or resolution to notify the appointee of a confirmation hearing. A reasonable attempt shall be made to accommodate the appointee’s schedule, and at least three (3) class days notice shall be given.

E.)Administration of Oath

All confirmed appointees shall be administered the oath of office prior to the conclusion of the period of appointments.




I, (state your name) do solemnly swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the Student Government Association of Purdue University Northwest and its ideals, and to represent and protect the interests of the students and of the university to the best of my abilities.


A) Each Student Government Association official must take the Oath of Office before he/she may assume his/her duties.

1)The Oath of Office must be administered by the ranking Student Government Association official present in the following order:

a) Retiring President of the Student Body Retiring Vice President of the Student Body

The following officers may give the Oath after they have taken their own oath:

1. Student Body President

2. Student Body Vice President

3. President Pro Tempore of the Legislature



A) The Bylaws may be amended with a ¾ majority vote of the Legislature of the voting members present at a meeting providing notification of the proposed amendment has been sent to all student and faculty members at least seven days prior to the meeting.




The authorities of Purdue University Northwest, having confidence in the abilities of the students to engage in the process of self-determination and self-governance, and believing such participation by the students in the affairs of the University community to be of mutual benefit to both students and administrators, do hereby enter into this agreement, the Constitution of the Student Government Association of Purdue University Northwest hereinafter referred to as the Student Government Association (SGA), with the present and future students of this University. This agreement, containing the rights and privileges of students at this University, shall not be rescinded, save by the ratification powers of the Student Government Association Senate, the Student Body President, and the students of this University.


1. Upon approval by the Senate, the Student Body President shall have seven (7) calendar days in which to act upon legislation. Any vetoes may be overturned by a 2/3 majority vote of the Senate. If the Student Body President fails to act on the legislation after seven (7) days, it shall be considered accepted. Notification of passing will be provided to the President by the President Pro Tempore, and to the Chief of Staff for record keeping.

2. If the bill deals with issues beyond the direct purview of the Student Government Association, (Article I Section 2) it shall be forwarded to the appropriate member(s) of the Senior Leadership Team, Faculty Senate or other administrator or staff member(s) of Purdue University Northwest for review.

a. Exceptions:

i. All matters that pertain to Academics.

ii. All matters regarding the health or welfare of the community.

iii. All matters regarding housekeeping or maintenance.

iv. All matters involving the control of university property.



The Student Government Association, in the firm belief that student representation can result in individual growth and is a collective advantage to the students at this University, to endeavor to demonstrate that student opinions and activities are an integral part of the University. We strive for the development of freedom of thought and the exchange of ideas to guarantee the rights and privileges of the students at this University. We seek to build relationships among the entire community at Purdue University Northwest.

Therefore, the purposes of the Student Government Association are:

1. To further and uphold the best interests of the students and all members of the Purdue University Northwest community;

2. To promote and defend the general student welfare and to promote high standards of conduct;

3. To receive the opinion of the student body and to investigate concerns brought forward by students;

4. To voice the opinions and/or concerns of the general student body;

5. To build relationships among the entire community of Purdue University Northwest;

6. To promote the further development of student life within student organizations;

7. To coordinate activities pertaining to the students or the campuses of Purdue University Northwest and the region of Northwest Indiana;

8. To review the statements and actions of the University Administration, the Purdue University system, the State Legislature, or Federal Legislative Bodies and develop a position on behalf of the student body;

The Student Government Association shall adhere to all university rules, regulations, policies, as well as to all local, state, and federal laws and ordinances.



1. All students enrolled at Purdue University Northwest are represented by elected or appointed members of the Student Government Association and shall be governed by this Constitution.

2. All seats in the Student Government Association shall be elected or appointed from the student body.

3. Members of the Student Government Association shall only be allowed to serve in one position of SGA at a time.

4. Purdue University Northwest prohibits discrimination against any member of the University community based on race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, genetic
information, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, or status as a veteran.

5. Membership in this organization may be limited to the individuals who affirm the belief of the stated mission of this organization.


1. In order to be eligible for the position of the Senator within SGA, a student must have earned a G.P.A. of 2.5 in the previous semester and maintain a 2.5 G.P.A. for every semester while in office.

2. Elected Members are not allowed to be on academic and/or disciplinary probation and must not have been deemed ineligible to run or be appointed to office by legislative decree.

3. If an elected member is terminated or asked to resign due to excessive absences or other grounds, then he or she shall not be able to be appointed or elected to Student Government Association for at least the remainder of that academic year and for the following session. Exact details of impeachment shall be decided by the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee. Records will be kept as decided by SGA.


All Senators must complete 8 hours of “outreach activities” each pay period, which consist of meetings with students, faculty, administration, program planning, attending student activities, and any necessary paperwork. Within these hours of outreach, 2 hours must pertain to the college and campus each Senator represents.

All Executive Board members must complete 12 hours of “outreach activities” each pay period, which consist of meetings with students, faculty, administration, program planning, attending student activities, and any necessary paperwork.

Legislative meetings of the Student Government Association are in addition to these outreach activities.


All executive authority over the executive board shall be vested in the Purdue University Northwest Student Body President on both campuses in the Purdue University Northwest System.


1. Shall serve as an advisory board for its Student Body President.

2. Shall coordinate and plan all executive activity in the best interest of the student body.

3. Shall be presided over by the Student Body President.

4. Shall meet 8 times a semester, or more if the President deems appropriate, and report to the Student Senate at each SGA meeting.

5. Shall include at least 1 initiative that is in the best interest of the student body.

6. Shall be composed of the Student Body President, Student Body Vice President, Chief of Staff, Chief Financial Officer, and President Pro Tempore.

7. Shall also include Director of Communication, Director of Outreach, and other ad hoc positions when necessary.


1. Provisions

a. The President of the Student Body, hereinafter referred to as Student Body President, and Vice President, together shall be elected from currently enrolled Purdue University
Northwest Students.

b. The office of Student Body President shall be a twelve-month position, starting officially at 12 noon on the first Monday of May.

c. No person shall serve as Student Body President more than two (2) full terms.

2. Requirements

a. Shall have completed one semester as a full-time Purdue University Northwest student.

b. Must have participated in at least one full semester in a leadership role in an approved Purdue Northwest student organization.

c. In order to be eligible for the position of the Student Body President, a student must have earned a G.P.A. of 3.0 in the previous semester and maintain a 3.0 G.P.A. for every semester while in office.

d. Shall receive a monthly stipend during their term based on Student Service Fee funding for the year.

e. At the time of running for President, must sign a statement confirming that they are able to serve the full year-long term of President to be eligible to run for President.

3. Powers

a. Shall be the Student Body President of SGA at Purdue University Northwest.

b. May create subsidiary committees within Executive Board to explore pertinent topics. The committees may become funded with a simple majority vote of the SGA. The SGA reserves the right to revoke the existence of a committee by a simple majority.

c. May create or dissolve Executive Board positions. All elected and appointed SGA members must come to an agreement on the position being created or dissolved.

d. May veto any legislation which one feels is unnecessary, improper, unconstitutional, or not in the best interest of the student body or the university.

e. Shall appoint the Chief of Staff to the Executive Board.


1. Provisions

a. The Vice President of the Student Body, hereinafter referred to as Student Body Vice President, shall be elected with the Student Body President for a term of twelve-months.

b. No person shall serve as Student Body Vice President more than two (2) full terms.

c. The office of Student Body Vice President shall be a twelve-month term, starting officially at 12pm on the first Monday of May.

2. Requirements

a. Shall have completed one semester as a full-time Purdue University Northwest student.

b. Shall have earned a G.P.A. of 3.0 in the previous semester and maintain a G.P.A of 3.0 for every semester while in office.

c. Shall receive a stipend during their term based on Student Service Fee funding for the year.

d. At the time of running for Vice President, must sign a statement confirming that they are able to serve the full year-long term of Vice President to be eligible to run for Vice

3. Powers

a. Shall appoint from nominees all SGA Committee Chairs and SGA ad-hoc Committee Chairs subject to approval by a majority of the Senate.

b. Shall be responsible for representing or providing a proxy on behalf of SGA at University and community functions.

c. In the event of a tie vote of the SGA, the Student Body Vice President shall cast the tie-breaking vote.

d. Should he or she so desire, the Student Body Vice President shall permanently succeed the Student Body President should that office become vacant. Should he or she so desire, the Student Body Vice President may succeed to that office only temporarily until a special election for Student Body President may be held within 30 days.


1. Provisions

a. The President Pro Tempore shall be chosen from members of the elected Senate and elected by a majority of those present and voting in the Senate during the first Senate meeting.

b. The term of the President Pro Tempore shall start officially upon election by the Senate at the first meeting of the Student Government Association and expire with the adjournment of SGA each year.

2. Requirements

a. Shall have completed one semester as a full-time Purdue University Northwest student.

b. In order to be eligible for the position of President Pro Tempore, a student must have earned a G.P.A. of 3.0 in the previous semester and maintain a 3.0 for every semester while in office.

c. Shall receive a monthly stipend during their term based on Student Service Fee funding for the year.

3. Powers

a. Shall organize and distribute all written communication and other information for the Student Government Association Executive Board.

b. Shall conduct Executive Board Meetings in the absence of the Student Body President.

c. Shall perform any other duties deemed necessary by the Student Body President.

d. Shall assist other Executive Board members in the planning and execution of campus-wide events.

e. Shall maintain the Purdue University Northwest website and other official social media of the Student Government Association when there are not positions on the Executive
Board to complete these tasks.

f. Shall approve legislation before it is presented to Senate.


1. Provisions

a. Shall be appointed by the Student Body President.

b. The term of the Chief of Staff shall start officially upon appointment by the Student Body President and expire with the adjournment of the SGA session each year.

2. Requirements

a. Shall have completed one semester at Purdue University Northwest student.

b. In order to be eligible for the position of Chief of Staff, a student must have earned a G.P.A. of 3.0 in the previous semester and maintain a 3.0 G.P.A. for every semester while in office.

c. Shall receive a monthly stipend during their term based on Student Service Fee funding for the year.

3. Powers

a. Shall assist the SGA President in their official duties.

b. Shall record notes from Executive Board meetings and have copies of the notes ready for the next scheduled Senate meeting.

c. Shall take and distribute meeting minutes for each scheduled Senate Meetings.

d. Shall complete other ad hoc duties as needed.


1. Provisions

a. Elected members of SGA may nominate candidates for the position of the Chief Financial Officer. All nominees for this position will be interviewed and confirmed by the Senate. The Chief Financial Officer can propose bills and referenda, and vote on the passage of bills and referenda.

b. The term of the Chief Financial Officer shall start officially upon confirmation by the Senate and expire with the adjournment of SGA each year.

2. Requirements

a. Shall have completed one semester as a full-time Purdue University Northwest student.

b. In order to be eligible for the position of the Chief Financial Officer a student must have earned a G.P.A. of 3.0 in the previous semester and maintain a 3.0 G.P.A. for every semester while in office.

c. Shall receive a monthly stipend during their term based on Student Service Fee funding for the year.

3. Powers

a. Shall prepare and manage the Student Government Association annual budget.

b. Shall review the use of allocated Leadership Funds by clubs and organizations and ensure proper use thereof.

c. Shall ensure that members of the Student Government Association have paperwork submitted within two weeks from the end of the pay period.

d. Shall approve all legislation containing a financial component before it can be presented to the President Pro Tempore.


1. Provisions

a. Shall be decided on by the executive board with direction provided by Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management and Academic Affairs.

b. The term of the Advisor(s) shall start officially upon confirmation by the Student Government Association and expire with the adjournment of the SGA session each year.

2. Requirements

a. The Advisor(s) shall be member(s) of the full-time faculty or a full-time professional employee of Purdue University Northwest.


Director of Outreach, Director of Communication, and others as needed.

1. Provisions

a. Elected members of SGA may nominate candidates for the positions of Director of Outreach, Director of Communication, and other Executive Board positions as the SGA determines a need. All nominees for these positions will be interviewed and confirmed by the Senate. The other Executive Board positions which fall under this category are able to propose bills and referenda and vote on the passage of bills and referenda.

b. The term of these Executive Board positions shall start officially upon confirmation by the Senate and expire with the adjournment of SGA each year.

2. Requirements

a. Shall have completed one semester as a full-time Purdue University Northwest student.

b. In order to be eligible for the Executive Board positions a student must have earned a G.P.A. of 3.0 in the previous semester and maintain a 3.0 G.P.A. for every semester while in office.

c. Shall receive a monthly stipend during their term based on Student Service Fee funding for the year.

d. Powers as determined by the broader SGA body and Executive Board.


1. SGA shall consist of one Senate made up of 9 voting members. The list of voting members is found in Article V, Section 1. Senators must be registered students at the campus they represent.

2. The President Pro Tempore shall be chosen and elected by a majority of the SGA during the first session. In the absence of a President Pro Tempore, the President shall preside over the Senate until a replacement is elected on.

3. All legislative powers of the Student Government Association shall be vested in the Student Government Senators. SGA shall meet at least once a month.

4. SGA shall meet at least biweekly during the semester for a minimum of eight (8) meetings per semester. In the event that a semester begins or ends in the middle of a month, one meeting can be held in those months, as long as there are still eight (8) meetings.

5. All SGA meetings shall be open to all students, faculty, and administration of Purdue University Northwest, as well as any interested party pursuant to all Federal and Indiana open meeting acts.

6. All current Student Government Association business for a session must be concluded by the last meeting of the Senate. At this time, all SGA members including executive officers shall read and submit an annual report of all activities and proceedings under their jurisdiction during their term in office.

7. Ad-hoc committees must be proposed by a member of the Student Government Association to the Legislative Body as a bill and must be approved by a majority vote.


College Senate Seats:

(1) Graduate Studies

(2) College of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences Senator

(2) College of Engineering, Science, and Technology Senator

(1) College of Business Senator

(2) College of Nursing Senator

(1) Honors College Senator

Senators at large, if necessary, to fill seats on an interim basis



1. All Student Government Association election policies shall be established in the Student Government Association Elections Code and Packet.

2. The Student Government Association Elections Packet shall be revised annually by the Student Government Association Elections and Programming Committee and submitted to the Student Government Association Legislative Body for approval.

3. Approval of the Student Government Association Elections Packet shall require a majority vote of all present senate members of the Student Government Association Legislative Body, at which a quorum has been established.

4. In the event that an updated Elections Packet is not approved by the Legislative body, prior to the end of the last scheduled Legislative Body meeting of the fall semester, the previous year’s Elections Packet shall remain in place, until the approval of an updated Elections Packet occurs.



1. Executive Branch

Student Body President/Vice President

1. Legislative Branch

(8) Undergraduate College Senators
(1) Graduate Studies Senator


1. Applications

a. Elections packet shall be approved by SGA by the last meeting of the Fall Semester.

b. Elections packet shall be made available to all students by the first week of January.

2. Elections

a. Representation in the Student Government will be determined through election by the student body during the last week of March each spring semester.

3. Votes Needed

a. Executive Branch requires a plurality of the total popular vote in any given election.

b. Legislative Branch requires a plurality of the total popular vote in any given election.


1. Executive Board

a. Rules of succession and appointment of Executive Board members apply to vacancies during the school year.

b. Should the SGA body so choose, a special election may be held to elect the position of Student Body President in the event of a vacancy during the school year.

2. Senate Body

The following process shall be utilized for filling interim seats during the school year, until the Spring elections:

a. Public notice of an empty Senate seat will be distributed to the Student Body through email and social media.

b. Potential Senators must complete an Election Packet and provide notice of their intent to be chosen for a position within SGA.

c. Potential Senators must obtain and interview with the SGA body during a meeting.

d. The SGA members present at the interview will vote to accept the potential Senator.

e. All confirmed Senators shall be administered the oath of office prior to the conclusion of the period of appointments.

f. It is preferable to seat a Senator in the College and Campus for which there is a vacancy, but when this is not possible, an at-large Senate position can be filled, and the Senator at
large will take on ad-hoc duties.


Further specifications and laws of the Purdue University Northwest Student Government shall be specified in a subordinate document to this Constitution, the By-laws of the Purdue University Northwest Student Government. The By-laws shall be enacted and modified upon by a majority vote of the Senate and the approval of the Student Body President after notice is submitted at the prior regular meeting of the Student Senate.


The students of Purdue University Northwest shall have the right by petition to propose laws, and directly enact or reject laws at the polls. Such an initiative shall contain the full text of the measure proposed, and to be valid, shall be signed by the majority of students who voted in the last Student Government Association general election or by twenty percent (20%) of the total student body.

The Elections and Programming Committee shall make the full text of the initiative public to the student body-at large for 14 (fourteen) calendar days before a vote shall take place.

The proposal shall become law if ratified by a majority of the students voting.

The Student Government Association may require a referendum to be held on any measure by a majority vote of the Student Senate. Any measure passed by referendum shall not be subject to presidential veto, nor can it be repealed by the Senate until at least one calendar year has passed since the elections at which it was enacted.



Should they desire, the Student Body Vice President shall permanently succeed the Student Body President should that office become vacant. Should they desire, the Student Body Vice President may succeed to that office only temporarily until a special election for Student Body President may be held within thirty (30) days.


The following orders of succession are established in the event of a vacancy in the Office of Student Body


1. Student Body Vice President

2. President Pro Tempore

3. All other officers are eligible to run for open presidential seat.

4. Senators, including College, Graduate Studies, and At-Large



All amendments to this Constitution must be proposed and enacted by one of the following methods in order to become effective:

1. Proposed by a member of the Student Government Association proposing a bill to amend the Constitution.

2. Enacted with 3/4 of those present and voting in the Senate casting a vote in the affirmative. One (1) week previous notice must be given.

– OR –

1. Proposed through a petition derived from the student body, following the rules and guidelines outlined in Article VIII, Sections 1-2.

2. Enacted if a majority of the student body, under the rules and guidelines outlined in Article VIII, Sections 1-2, casts a vote in the affirmative for the proposed amendment.

All amendments to this Constitution shall supersede the section of the Constitution with which is amended. All amendments, after going through one of the two methods mentioned above, shall only become valid if signed by the Student Body President, the Student Body Vice President, the Faculty Sponsor for the Student Government Association, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, and the Chancellor of Purdue University Northwest.



This instrument, being the existing Constitution of the Student Government Association of Purdue University Northwest, shall take effect upon a combined three-fourths majority of all Purdue Northwest SGA members, and the signature of the: Student Body President, the Student Body Vice President, the Faculty Sponsor for the Student Government Association, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, and the Chancellor of Purdue University Northwest.


All provisions of the previous Student Government Constitution shall be considered repealed with the adoption of this document. The previous document shall, therefore, be null and void, and no longer the basis for any student government at this university, except as necessary to fulfill the following section.