Student Resources

Specialty scholarships, advisors and student organizations–see how we can help you succeed.

A student in PNW's department of history, philosophy, political science and economics at a computer.

Explore Scholarships

We offer a number of specialty scholarships to reduce costs and reward student merit. Visit PNW’s scholarship database to search for scholarships dedicated to students in history, philosophy, political science and economics.

See Scholarship Options

Departmental Scholarships

Avra Neil Mitra Economics Scholarship.
Awards $500 to a declared minor in Economics with completion of at least 60 credit hours and 3.25 GPA.

Richard Van Orman History Scholarship
Awards a $500 grant to History and Social Studies Education majors with 60 credit hours and a 3.25 GPA. The scholarship is named for the late Professor of History, Richard Van Orman, who taught for many years at the Hammond campus before retiring in 2012.

Howard Cohen Philosophy Scholarship
Awards $500 to Philosophy majors who have completed at least 60 credit hours and hold a 3.25 grade point average or higher.

Kristi Thomas Bachelor of Liberal Studies Scholarship
Awards $500 to majors who have completed 60 credit hours with a 3.25 GPA or higher. The scholarship is named in honor of former academic advisor Kristi Thomas (1969-2017).

Lance Trusty Graduate Research Award
This $1,000 award is granted to the Purdue University Northwest M.A. History student entering the best research paper. The award was established in honor of former Purdue University Calumet history professor Lance Trusty. Professor Trusty dedicated his career to teaching and fostering student research, and was well known for his own work in the area of Calumet Region history. Jan Trusty has generously supported our history graduate students in memory of her late husband.

Eligible students are nominated for these scholarships by professors and advisors.


Academic advising is a collaborative process where you and your advisors are partners in ensuring your academic success.

Janet Navarro

Janet Navarro

Academic and Student Success Advisor

(219) 989-3224

Make an Appointment
Hammond, CLO 274

Student Organizations

Economics Club
The purpose of the Economics Club is to stand as a student resource for educational and job success, and serve as an approachable forum for economic, business and public policy discussions.

History Club

Phi Alpha Theta
The national professional honor society promotes the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. For more information, contact professor Kenneth Kincaid at

Pi Sigma Alpha
This national Political Science honor society promotes student leadership, engagement, and career development. For more information, contact professor Yu Ouyang at

Career Resources

PNW students pose together outdoorsCareer Center
Don’t overlook PNW’s career experts, who can help with your resume or CV, job search and career plan. They can even get you signed up for Handshake, our own job-search system.

American Historical Association
The largest organization of historians, it provides substantial support in educational and professional development. Connect with the AHA, become members, and keep up to date in your fields of interest.

American Philosophical Association
The APA provides a wealth of resources for philosophy majors and students interested in philosophy. Membership benefits include current news from the field, conference information and advice on careers in philosophy.

Provides connections for history, philosophy and liberal studies students who are committed to volunteer work and careers that contribute to the social good.